The mission of the Fatherhood Foundation is to improve the well-being of communities by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, committed and loving fathers. This is done by encouraging fathers, empowering families and helping children and communities affected by fatherless-ness
IFSA Bless the Nation - 50 days of prayaer. Day #48: Zane MeasWelcome to Day 48 of the ‘Bless the Nation 50 Days of Prayer.’ Family is the focus of our prayer in week 7 and we are privileged to have Zane Meas share his devotional message with us today. Zane is a well-known actor and director as well as the founder of “Fatherhood Foundations”. Since 2008 Zane has been travelling the country speaking on fatherhood and encouraging men to take up their godly roles as head of their households and to be involved, responsible, committed and loving fathers.
The mission of the Fatherhood Foundation is to improve the well-being of communities by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, committed and loving fathers. This is done by encouraging fathers, empowering families and helping children and communities affected by fatherless-ness